Friday, April 10, 2009


I can see our squirrel feeder from the computer and this squirrel sat on the fence almost all day. Like he was wishing there was some food in the squirrel feeder.

Also, we had a storm last night. I don't think I have ever seen it rain as hard or as high of winds since we have lived here. K called after it was over and told me that she saw where a storm with high winds and hail was going to hit our town. I told her too late it already had. I told her it might have been a tornado because I heard the freight train roar that everyone talks about. But she said they said it was just straight winds. It blew our patio chairs off the patio and into the yard and they are pretty heavy. I wasn't sure what I would find when I woke up this morning, but not that much damage. A bird was confused after it was over and it kept flying into our french door and into the light on the patio. I finally got up and turned off the light because it was upsetting Lulu.

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