Sunday, April 5, 2009


M, T and C arrived on Thursday night. When C first came in, he had on a jacket and then he came back later with just a shirt on. Pappa and I were sitting at the table and C was just looking at us smiling and M came in and ask us if we read his shirt. We looked down and his shirt read I am going to be a big brother. M got it right off but I didn't. I am a little slow to catch on to things. So, yep, M and I are going to be grandparents again in November. We are delighted.

On Friday, we took C and A to Portrait Innovations to have their pictures made. The pictures turned out really good, but we spent way too much on them. They have very good salesmen.

Then on Saturday morning we left to go to Mamma's 92nd birthday party in Sardis, Ms. There were almost thirty people stuffed like sardines in a small room to sing happy birthday to her and eat cake and ice cream. There were her kids, grand kids, great grand kids and their spouses and boyfriends and girlfriends.This was the first time that Mamma or any of our relatives had seen A. The first thing Mamma did when she came into the room was to reach for A. After the party was over I went back with her to her room and spent some time with her.

Then we left and went to Tunica to spend the night. We stayed in one of the really nice hotels at one of the casinos. It had a really nice indoor pool and C enjoyed swimming. He got to swim that night and again the next morning before he left.
Playing with Pappa in the pool.

C is covering his ears because A had a really tiring day and was crying very loudly. She was so good the trip there and back. She slept the entire time. But this night, she was just exhausted, because she had never been around that many people at one time before.

After we checked out of the hotel this morning, we could not find a place to eat and drove into Tunica and ate at the Blue and White restaurant. The parking lot was packed, so we thought the food must be good. Now this is what I call soul food. This plate consisted of fried chicken,chicken and dressing, macaroni and cheese, fried green tomatoes, and yams. Dessert was peach cobbler.

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