Wednesday, April 1, 2009


This is a picture of their snow in KC on Saturday. Looks like C had fun in it, but I am sure mommy is hoping it is the last one this year.

Their backyard.

M, T and C are coming to visit momo and pappa and Aunt K, Uncle J and cousin A this Thursday. T won't be able to make it because of her work. Then on Saturday we are all going to Mississippi to help my mother celebrate her 92 ND birthday.

M said that C has been asking when they are going to Arkansas. She told him that she thought momo and pappa had him some things for Easter and he said well tell them to get toys. Last year we went to visit him close to Easter and took him an Easter basket with lots of candy and a stuffed bunny and some clothes. He looked at it with a sad face and said I thought you were bringing me cars and trucks. So guess what we went and bought the next day. I am not making that mistake this year.

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