Sunday, April 12, 2009


Our Easter consisted of going over to K and J's house and then going out for lunch. We were all going to church but in the last week A has become very vocal and we were afraid that might not work out. It rained hard all day here. We ended up going to the Japanese Steak house. It was not really our first choice but we could get in without a wait.

A dressed in her Easter outfit.

She is really watching the guy cooking our meal.

But after he finished, she fell asleep.
Taking pictures of A in her Easter dress after we got back to the house. Mommy tells her that a lady shouldn't pull up her dress but she does it anyhow.

Laying in Momo's lap. I think Pappa was upset because she wouldn't have much to do with him today. She hadn't seen him in a week, so I think she had forgotten him.

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