Monday, April 20, 2009


I drove around today and took pictures of all the azaleas in bloom in our town. I want to take lots of pictures because this will be our last spring in Arkansas. Most of you that read my blog already know that we are moving. Yes, we are moving back to Oklahoma City, where we lived for twenty-one years before moving here. We have known for about five weeks that we were going to have to move back.

So, we are busy getting the house ready to put on the market. The main thing now is getting the outside painted. We have our name on a list but have not heard anything from the painter.

I do not mind going back to OKC but I am sure going to miss K and A. But I have been promised that we will get to see them once a month. We will also be back closer to M, T and C and the new baby. So we will be able to see them more often.

This house is in an older neighborhood that has lots of azaleas.

This is the entrance to the neighborhood that I love. I have put pictures on my blog before of these houses.
The views that this neighborhood has.

The back of these houses.

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