Thursday, April 30, 2009


This is a recipe for my mother's homemade biscuits. When we would go back to visit when our kids were little, she would make homemade biscuits and gravy every morning for us and also bacon or sausage to go with them. Everyone that ever ate her biscuits said that they would melt in your mouth. You could easily eat two or three without even realizing you had eaten that many.

When K got married we sent relatives and friends recipe cards for them to write down their favorite recipe for her. K requested on the one sent to her that she send her biscuit recipe. She sent the recipe in a letter and the card and told me to write it on the card because her hand writing was not good enough.

Well I lost the letter and never wrote it on the card. But since I am decluttering the house getting it ready to list, I found the letter in some old papers. So,I am posting it on my blog in case it gets lost again.



She wrote on the recipe, shortening. In later years she used Crisco, but for many years she used lard.

I cannot tell you how many times I sat and watched her make these over the years. Because of course she made them for us also when we were growing up.

Also the ones in the picture are not of hers but I thought I should post a picture. Hers were always so smooth on top not sure how she managed to make them that way.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Over the weekend Mom and Aunt T took C to the zoo. It was the first time that he had been to the Kansas City Zoo. They said there was lots of walking but C had lots of fun. He fell asleep on the car ride home. He told his mom the next morning that he wished Aunt T lived in their house and he could see her all the time.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I have been working hard to try and get the house listed, but I decided to take a break today and drive to our neighborhood lake and take some pictures. We are about two blocks from the lake but it would be nice to have it in our backyard like these houses.

I only saw two ducks which is very unusual. They must have all flown to the river which is about a mile away.

I remember when these apartments were being built and the residents of our town were outraged. Even though they are nice apartments they did not want them built around the lake. It has been kept a natural lake.


C and his friend. They were born five days apart.Also some late Easter pictures of C at an Easter egg hunt in his Grammy and Poppa's hometown.
Getting ready to find the eggs. M said he was really good to let the kids smaller than him pick up the eggs

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Look at the picture closely. I didn't get it the first time I looked at it. This was taken of someone at a flea market in Alabama. I am allowed to make fun because I was born and raised in Mississippi.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


K and Miss A came and spent the afternoon with Momo today. A goes in the morning for her second laser surgery, which she does not like.
Can you believe how strong she is in her legs for only three months.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


..or as good as I can get it. If you see any thing that jumps out at you that needs to be improved just let me know.

Doll room.
Guest bed room.
Formal dinning room.

Monday, April 20, 2009


I drove around today and took pictures of all the azaleas in bloom in our town. I want to take lots of pictures because this will be our last spring in Arkansas. Most of you that read my blog already know that we are moving. Yes, we are moving back to Oklahoma City, where we lived for twenty-one years before moving here. We have known for about five weeks that we were going to have to move back.

So, we are busy getting the house ready to put on the market. The main thing now is getting the outside painted. We have our name on a list but have not heard anything from the painter.

I do not mind going back to OKC but I am sure going to miss K and A. But I have been promised that we will get to see them once a month. We will also be back closer to M, T and C and the new baby. So we will be able to see them more often.

This house is in an older neighborhood that has lots of azaleas.

This is the entrance to the neighborhood that I love. I have put pictures on my blog before of these houses.
The views that this neighborhood has.

The back of these houses.

Friday, April 17, 2009


The azaleas in our town are in bloom. This house is close to us. Don't you think they just have a few too many?

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Our Easter consisted of going over to K and J's house and then going out for lunch. We were all going to church but in the last week A has become very vocal and we were afraid that might not work out. It rained hard all day here. We ended up going to the Japanese Steak house. It was not really our first choice but we could get in without a wait.

A dressed in her Easter outfit.

She is really watching the guy cooking our meal.

But after he finished, she fell asleep.
Taking pictures of A in her Easter dress after we got back to the house. Mommy tells her that a lady shouldn't pull up her dress but she does it anyhow.

Laying in Momo's lap. I think Pappa was upset because she wouldn't have much to do with him today. She hadn't seen him in a week, so I think she had forgotten him.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


My grand babies with the Easter bunny.

Friday, April 10, 2009


I can see our squirrel feeder from the computer and this squirrel sat on the fence almost all day. Like he was wishing there was some food in the squirrel feeder.

Also, we had a storm last night. I don't think I have ever seen it rain as hard or as high of winds since we have lived here. K called after it was over and told me that she saw where a storm with high winds and hail was going to hit our town. I told her too late it already had. I told her it might have been a tornado because I heard the freight train roar that everyone talks about. But she said they said it was just straight winds. It blew our patio chairs off the patio and into the yard and they are pretty heavy. I wasn't sure what I would find when I woke up this morning, but not that much damage. A bird was confused after it was over and it kept flying into our french door and into the light on the patio. I finally got up and turned off the light because it was upsetting Lulu.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

ELK'S HEAD????????????

On our trip to Mississippi over the weekend, we stopped at an Arby's in Horn Lake, Mississippi for a quick lunch. M, C and I were sitting at our table while the men were in line waiting for our food. I looked out the window and I saw this being pulled through the parking lot. I told M to look at the big deer head. She in turn told T to look at the deer head and he said it was not a deer head, but a moose head. Well, when hubby got back to the table I told him to look and he said it was an elk's head. Well, whatever it was, we were all sure fascinated by it.

I think the others in the restaurant thought we were a little odd taking pictures and all of it, but we don't just see this every day while eating at Arbys. Bless C's heart, he looked at it for a long time and then asked his mom if she thought it was real or fake. She told him, probably fake and he was happy. But, it definitely was real.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


M, T and C arrived on Thursday night. When C first came in, he had on a jacket and then he came back later with just a shirt on. Pappa and I were sitting at the table and C was just looking at us smiling and M came in and ask us if we read his shirt. We looked down and his shirt read I am going to be a big brother. M got it right off but I didn't. I am a little slow to catch on to things. So, yep, M and I are going to be grandparents again in November. We are delighted.

On Friday, we took C and A to Portrait Innovations to have their pictures made. The pictures turned out really good, but we spent way too much on them. They have very good salesmen.

Then on Saturday morning we left to go to Mamma's 92nd birthday party in Sardis, Ms. There were almost thirty people stuffed like sardines in a small room to sing happy birthday to her and eat cake and ice cream. There were her kids, grand kids, great grand kids and their spouses and boyfriends and girlfriends.This was the first time that Mamma or any of our relatives had seen A. The first thing Mamma did when she came into the room was to reach for A. After the party was over I went back with her to her room and spent some time with her.

Then we left and went to Tunica to spend the night. We stayed in one of the really nice hotels at one of the casinos. It had a really nice indoor pool and C enjoyed swimming. He got to swim that night and again the next morning before he left.
Playing with Pappa in the pool.

C is covering his ears because A had a really tiring day and was crying very loudly. She was so good the trip there and back. She slept the entire time. But this night, she was just exhausted, because she had never been around that many people at one time before.

After we checked out of the hotel this morning, we could not find a place to eat and drove into Tunica and ate at the Blue and White restaurant. The parking lot was packed, so we thought the food must be good. Now this is what I call soul food. This plate consisted of fried chicken,chicken and dressing, macaroni and cheese, fried green tomatoes, and yams. Dessert was peach cobbler.