Thursday, April 1, 2010


The high yesterday was 85 degrees and today the high is suppose to be 83 degrees. Things are really putting out now, but it has been so windy here lately. The wind has blown our big stainless steel grill off the patio and into our yard twice. One time, it flipped it upside down and everything fell out, so we are not for sure if it will even work now or not. That is strong wind.

But, I decided to drive around today and take some pictures. I also thought I would have a cute picture of A with the Easter Bunny to put on my blog. But, folks that is not going to happen. K took A to the mall yesterday to get her picture made with the Easter Bunny. He was on a carrot break and when he came back, he knelt down and waved at A. That was it, she totally freaked out. But, she is going to her Easter egg hunt tomorrow at her daycare. K should be able to get some cute pictures of her.

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