Thursday, April 15, 2010


I usually drive around at least one day a week and take pictures. I am so glad these horse farms are close by since I am obsessed with taking pictures of them. I didn't think I would be able to today because there was a forty per cent chance of thunderstorms. So, I went this morning and that turns out to be the best time since the horses were out. I guess in the afternoon they are sleeping. You can see there were plenty of clouds in the sky.

Looking at the clouds reminds me of C and I have to tell a little story about C. He is a worrier. He was watching a show and said the house was like Aunt T's house because it had no top or bottom. He meant it didn't have an upstairs or a basement. So, since Aunt T's house doesn't have a basement, he worries that when there is a tornado, she will have no where to go. M said that he doesn't realize yet that there are tornadoes in Oklahoma, but when he does he will worry, because Momo and Pappa's house doesn't have a basement either. I thought this would be a perfect back drop for a family portrait. Maybe the next time I have all the grandkids together, we will take them and have a picture made in front of this waterfall. I love waterfalls for some reason.

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