Thursday, April 22, 2010


On my drive this week, I found some more long horn cows. I am beginning to notice that some of their horns are different. Some curve and some go out straight. Like in the last picture, that cow had straight horns.
Doesn't this just look like a ranch house you would expect to see in Oklahoma with longhorns running around.

I think this Shetland pony is beginning to recognize me.

I have noticed several times where I see a donkey in with the horses. The first time I noticed it, I didn't think much about it. But, when I saw it several more times, I decided to research it. They use the donkey to break the horses. Usually when you see them together, the horses will be far away from the donkey. I guess the horses don't like the donkey very much. I thought it was unusual for the horses and this donkey to be this close.

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