Monday, April 26, 2010


Hubby and I went out to eat on Friday night. After we ate, we then went and bought flowers and potting soil. I had planned on working all day Saturday, putting the flowers in my pots. I had been watching the weather forecast all week and it was suppose to be in the seventies and partly sunny, so I thought that would be perfect weather.

I get up on Saturday morning and go out to get started and it is very windy and cool. The sun would pop out every once in a while. I started complaining to hubby about the weather in Oklahoma, not like he can do anything about it. But, we start putting the geraniums in the pots out on the front porch and it starts raining. I mean it is raining really hard, but hubby stands in the rain and at least gets those potted and that is all that we got done on Saturday.

But, Sunday turned out be a beautiful day. A little windy, but lots of sunshine. So, I ended up getting my pots painted and my begonias in the pots. I still have several more pots that I want to put flowers in, but at least this was a start.

I took a picture of each individual pot, because I was too lazy to walk out and get a picture of both. I love geraniums. I think they add a lot of curb appeal. It says they need full sun and boy will they get it.

I think my pots turned out looking pretty good after I painted them. I have had these pots a long time. T gave them to me one Mother's Day.

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