I love this look. Mommy what are you doing?
When I was doing my weekly drive today, I noticed this scarecrow from a distance and thought it was a person sitting in the chair. It was sitting in front of a garden. I thought the person was just sitting in the chair admiring their garden. A pretty cute scarecrow.
Also, remember my last post where I talked about putting begonias in my pots over the weekend. Well, first thing I do when I get up is open the blinds to look and see if they are growing. I thought something didn't look right and went out and found this. Wonder who the culprit was. Lulu or some other critter? One of the plants was laying about two feet from the pot out in the yard. I am not sure Lulu could even accomplish that.
We also sprinkle some shredded cheese on top of our bowl of soup and I put a dollop of sour cream(hubby doesn't like sour cream.)