Friday, April 30, 2010


Hubby and I are leaving to go on a short trip. We will be back next week. Hint: We may be going to see this little girl in the pictures below.

I love this look. Mommy what are you doing?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I am sure we have all heard the old adage "Grab the bull by the Horns" but did you know that there are some breeds of bulls that don't have horns. I didn't. These are Black Angus bulls and are bred to not have horns. It is for safety reasons.

This bull was snorting and kicking up dirt with his front leg. Sure am glad I was in the car. I have always been afraid of bulls, horns or no horns.

When I was doing my weekly drive today, I noticed this scarecrow from a distance and thought it was a person sitting in the chair. It was sitting in front of a garden. I thought the person was just sitting in the chair admiring their garden. A pretty cute scarecrow.

Also, remember my last post where I talked about putting begonias in my pots over the weekend. Well, first thing I do when I get up is open the blinds to look and see if they are growing. I thought something didn't look right and went out and found this. Wonder who the culprit was. Lulu or some other critter? One of the plants was laying about two feet from the pot out in the yard. I am not sure Lulu could even accomplish that.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Hubby and I went out to eat on Friday night. After we ate, we then went and bought flowers and potting soil. I had planned on working all day Saturday, putting the flowers in my pots. I had been watching the weather forecast all week and it was suppose to be in the seventies and partly sunny, so I thought that would be perfect weather.

I get up on Saturday morning and go out to get started and it is very windy and cool. The sun would pop out every once in a while. I started complaining to hubby about the weather in Oklahoma, not like he can do anything about it. But, we start putting the geraniums in the pots out on the front porch and it starts raining. I mean it is raining really hard, but hubby stands in the rain and at least gets those potted and that is all that we got done on Saturday.

But, Sunday turned out be a beautiful day. A little windy, but lots of sunshine. So, I ended up getting my pots painted and my begonias in the pots. I still have several more pots that I want to put flowers in, but at least this was a start.

I took a picture of each individual pot, because I was too lazy to walk out and get a picture of both. I love geraniums. I think they add a lot of curb appeal. It says they need full sun and boy will they get it.

I think my pots turned out looking pretty good after I painted them. I have had these pots a long time. T gave them to me one Mother's Day.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


This was our sunset tonight behind the clouds.

Friday, April 23, 2010


This picture was taken of A at her daycare. If you notice something over her eyes, it is because it is a proof. She had on a cute little monogrammed jumper, but they said she would not let them take the picture without the bear. By the way, she is loving daycare, if she could just get over being sick. K took her to the doctor yesterday with an almost 103 degrees temperature. She has a double ear infection.

These pictures were taken at Chuck E Cheese, I think.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


On my drive this week, I found some more long horn cows. I am beginning to notice that some of their horns are different. Some curve and some go out straight. Like in the last picture, that cow had straight horns.
Doesn't this just look like a ranch house you would expect to see in Oklahoma with longhorns running around.

I think this Shetland pony is beginning to recognize me.

I have noticed several times where I see a donkey in with the horses. The first time I noticed it, I didn't think much about it. But, when I saw it several more times, I decided to research it. They use the donkey to break the horses. Usually when you see them together, the horses will be far away from the donkey. I guess the horses don't like the donkey very much. I thought it was unusual for the horses and this donkey to be this close.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010


I notice from reading blogs that it is that time of year. I decided to post some pictures of my girls and their dates at the prom. I do not remember either one of their dates name. But I just remember it being very stressful, not on me, but on them. They seemed to think everything had to be perfect, even down to the manicure. K didn't go to the prom, she was asked but did not want to.
T and her date. 1992
M and date. 1995

Thursday, April 15, 2010


I usually drive around at least one day a week and take pictures. I am so glad these horse farms are close by since I am obsessed with taking pictures of them. I didn't think I would be able to today because there was a forty per cent chance of thunderstorms. So, I went this morning and that turns out to be the best time since the horses were out. I guess in the afternoon they are sleeping. You can see there were plenty of clouds in the sky.

Looking at the clouds reminds me of C and I have to tell a little story about C. He is a worrier. He was watching a show and said the house was like Aunt T's house because it had no top or bottom. He meant it didn't have an upstairs or a basement. So, since Aunt T's house doesn't have a basement, he worries that when there is a tornado, she will have no where to go. M said that he doesn't realize yet that there are tornadoes in Oklahoma, but when he does he will worry, because Momo and Pappa's house doesn't have a basement either. I thought this would be a perfect back drop for a family portrait. Maybe the next time I have all the grandkids together, we will take them and have a picture made in front of this waterfall. I love waterfalls for some reason.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010


It was in the high seventies here on Saturday, so hubby and I worked outside in the yard a little. We found a snake. I am always saying the only critters we have are crows. Well, I guess I was wrong. We have snakes also. The snake was dead, not sure what killed it. Maybe Lulu? Hubby says it was not a poisonous snake, which is good.

On Sunday, I made Southwest chicken and bean soup. It was really good. I am posting the recipe for T. I was telling her about it and I think she might like it. Hubby and I can eat two meals on it.

Southwest Chicken and Bean Soup

1 lg can black beans
1.5 lb or so boneless chicken breast. (I used frozen chicken breast tenders and threw them in the crock still frozen solid.)
8 cups chicken broth. (I have made this twice and I think you can use less chicken broth than recipe calls for.)
2 16 oz jars salsa (I used one mild and one medium)
half a bag frozen corn
3 tsp cumin

Dump in crock pot

Turn the crock pot on low

Let it cook all day long

We also sprinkle some shredded cheese on top of our bowl of soup and I put a dollop of sour cream(hubby doesn't like sour cream.)

Also, I received this picture a few weeks ago. C went to a birthday party for a little girl and they had ponies brought in for the party. Her birthday cake was pink in the shape of a cowboy hat. C loves dressing up as a cowboy. I told M that he needs to live in Oklahoma, if he wants to be a cowboy. She said their were plenty of cowboys in Kansas. C had two birthday parties to go to this weekend. One, he was going bowling and the other was a carnival at a little boy's house. I guess I am just amazed at what parents spend on birthday parties now days for their kids. We tried to limit to spending fifty on ours kids parties when they were little, but I am sure parents spend two or three hundred now on their kids parties or maybe even more.

Friday, April 9, 2010


I had been trying to find a long horn cow to take a picture of. So, when I was driving around today, I look over and there one is. The first time C visited us here, he noticed these were different looking cows than he was use to seeing.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


M and family celebrated Easter in Northwest Mo. with the other grandparents. They celebrate Easter there every year. It is a big celebration with T's family. They even know who their fourth and fifth cousins are. We do well in our family to know who our first cousins are. But, anyhow I think C and Karlie really enjoyed it. They went to an Easter egg hunt on Saturday and C found two baskets of eggs.

Karlie with her Easter basket. I think she got real excited watching the kids find eggs.Karlie with her bunny ears.

Karlie looks cute with her sun hat on.

Back from church.

Monday, April 5, 2010


We left around noon on Friday for Arkansas. T arrived from Kansas City, about an hour later at K and J's after we did. We all then went to eat catfish at a little local restaurant nearby. Somehow this time, it didn't seem to agree with all of us. So, we probably will not want catfish for a long time.

We then all got up on Saturday morning and left for Sardis, Mississippi to visit my mother. She is in a nursing home and turned ninety-three on Wednesday. I forgot to take a picture of her. I cannot believe it. My niece and her family were there when we arrived and we had brought her a little cake. We talked her into going to the dinning room, so we could all eat the cake. So, after we spent most of the afternoon with her, we then drove back to Tunica, Ms. and spent the night in a hotel at one of the Casinos.

It was the Gold Strike, the same one we stayed at last year. It has an indoor swimming pool.

A got to get into her Easter basket before we left for Mississippi. Notice the marsh mellows. She loves them. But, Tucker ate a box of her peeps. I told A that Tucker probably needed them more than she did anyhow.

A at the hotel in her swimsuit ready to go swimming. She took the shower wash off the tub and carried it around everywhere she went.
This is what A looked like in every picture. She just does not like a pool. Notice she still has the shower wash in her hand. On Sunday morning, K called us and asked if our power was off in our room. We said no, because our air conditioner was running. She said the power was off in their room and she had called the desk and they said it was off in the whole hotel. Well, we found out later that some rooms were running on a generator. Ours and T's room had power but K and J's did not. None of us had hot water so, we did not get to take a shower before we checked out. The only thing I could think about was that the elevators were not working and I would have to walk down twenty flights of stairs.
We then came back to K and J's house and went out to eat at Johnny Corrina's on Sunday night.
A and Pap-pa eating popcorn. Yes, she may be too little to eat popcorn but try telling A that. She also has a runny nose. She has had a cold ever since she started going to the daycare.
This morning we got up and came home. We traveled from the time we left our house until the time we got home tonight, thirteen-hundred miles and we are very tired.

Friday, April 2, 2010


Going on a short trip. Will be back on Monday with lots of pictures, hopefully. Hope everyone has a Happy Easter.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


The high yesterday was 85 degrees and today the high is suppose to be 83 degrees. Things are really putting out now, but it has been so windy here lately. The wind has blown our big stainless steel grill off the patio and into our yard twice. One time, it flipped it upside down and everything fell out, so we are not for sure if it will even work now or not. That is strong wind.

But, I decided to drive around today and take some pictures. I also thought I would have a cute picture of A with the Easter Bunny to put on my blog. But, folks that is not going to happen. K took A to the mall yesterday to get her picture made with the Easter Bunny. He was on a carrot break and when he came back, he knelt down and waved at A. That was it, she totally freaked out. But, she is going to her Easter egg hunt tomorrow at her daycare. K should be able to get some cute pictures of her.