Thursday, January 28, 2010


Yes, there is not a lot more to talk about other than the weather. I am sitting at my computer and listening to the sleet hit the window. It is 30 degrees, but feels like 19 degrees. This is suppose to continue through tomorrow. It is suppose to change over to snow before it is through.

I am mostly posting this to keep my kids informed on what is going on. We have been tuned in to the TV all day and they are telling us that we could lose power at any time. Hubby decided to go ahead and close his office today, so he is at home. I was so worried that he would go to work and get stranded at work and I would be at home by myself with no power. That would not be fun.

But, if we do lose power, we have a gas stove, so we can cook. We stocked up on groceries yesterday. We also have a gas fireplace. We are hoping we can use it without electricity. It does have an electric switch though. I guess we will find out if we do lose power. We are keeping the house really warm and we can go upstairs and stay warm a long time. We also have lots of quilts and blankets, so I think we will make it just fine. I worry more about all the other people who don't have all this and also the animals.
I made hubby go outside and take these pictures for you all.

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