Saturday, January 23, 2010


It was in the sixties here today, so we decided to drive to the big lake. There are lots of lakes in Oklahoma City but when people talk about this lake, they refer to it as the big lake. It is a huge lake in the middle of the city. It has lots of sailboats docked around it. In fact, I think that is the only boat that is allowed in it.

In the summer if you drive by the lake, it will be full of sailboats. I thought today there would be at least some sailboats on the lake. But, it was cloudy, as you can see from the pictures and also very windy.

A neat looking light house.

Some kind of pier.

These birds were everywhere. They look like sea gulls. But, I don't know why there would be sea gulls in Oklahoma.

I told hubby the next time that the grand kids come, we will make sure we take them to the lake to feed them. They might be afraid of them. They seem very brave. I am sure even Karlie would take notice of them though.

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