Thursday, January 7, 2010


Almost every blog that I have read today has mentioned something about the weather I think. We still have snow from Christmas, it just won't melt. It is 22 degrees here at this moment but feels like 8 degrees. Tomorrows high is suppose to be 18 degrees with a low of 4 degrees tomorrow night. But, hey, that is an improvement. At first they said the low would be zero.

So, we decided to go out and eat last night since it was in the forties here, yesterday. I am sure we probably won't be braving the cold to go out and eat on Friday night. We also went to the grocery store. I think this weekend, we will just stay in and hang pictures on our walls.

We moved in this house, the first of October and before I knew it, the holidays were here. So, I just haven't gotten around to hanging the pictures. They have been stacked in our garage. This house, so far, just doesn't feel like home. So, I am hoping, once we get the pictures hung, that it will.

It felt so cold when I opened the door to take this picture. I really feel for anyone that has to be out in it for any length of time. I also feel so sorry for the animals.

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