Monday, January 18, 2010


The party was great. We ran a little short on food, since there ended up being more people than was expected. I always feel bad when there is not enough food. But, A enjoyed being the center of attention. She received lots of clothes and toys as gifts.
Mommy and Aunt T spent three hours at the grocery store buying food for the party and then stayed up until two Saturday morning making this Happy Birthday banner.

The food table. We have decided there is no way to make enough Pigs in the Blanket to feed everyone. The punch was suppose to be pink but the color was more like muddy water. There were also barbecue meat balls but they were still in the crock pot.
The cake was adorable. It was made by the same bakery that made K and J's wedding cake. A local bakery in Little Rock. Not only was it decorated cute but it also taste really good.
A close up of the monkey on the cake.

A anxiously awaiting the arrival of the guest.

Everyone is in front of A singing Happy Birthday. She loved it. They are holding her hands to keep her from grabbing the lit candle.

It didn't take her but a second to dig into her cake.

Dad handed her a spoon, but she didn't think she needed it.

On a sugar high after eating her cake.

Helping her mom open the gifts.

I think her favorite gift was one of Tammy and Patricks gift. A sippy cup. She demanded that something be put in it.

Just looking cute.

Playing with her cousin.

1 comment:

  1. Everything turned out great! I love the cake and banner :-)
