Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I was bored today. It seemed like it had been a week since I had been out of the house. But, it had actually only been a few days. It was also nice out and we are suppose to have freezing rain and snow on Thursday. I decided to drive around. We live in a housing addition, but it is on the outskirts of the country. Only about a half mile from our house are horse farms. Lots of horse farms. I mean huge horse farms. But, this is Oklahoma, so I guess that is what you would expect.

I had to really zoom in on this picture. This house was far off the road. I guess I could have driven up to it since the gate was open.

There weren't many horse and cows outside today, I guess they were in their heated and air conditioned barns.

I think this cow was wanting to ask me what I was doing.

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