Sunday, January 31, 2010


I promise this is the last of the snow pictures. Hubby and I drove around today, just to get out of the house. We were getting cabin fever. These pictures just don't do it justice. It was such a pretty snow. Most roads were clear. The main street by us was the only one that wasn't. It was clear in some spots but slick in others.

Friday, January 29, 2010


These pictures were taken at five and it was still snowing and still is. Hubby went out and took lots of pictures. I think he is bored and just wants to get out of the house. We have been doing other things today though, instead of watching the weather. We have now unpacked every box except what belongs in the garage. Hubby went to the mailbox and the lid was frozen. He had to beat on it to get it open and then there was nothing in the box. I doubt the mail even went today.


The good news is, we still have power. These pictures were taken at noon. The snow is accumulating about an inch an hour and this is suppose to continue until about eleven tonight. I will try and post more pictures before dark. There is about two to three inches of ice underneath the snow. It is a really pretty snow and is sticking to the tree limbs.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Yes, there is not a lot more to talk about other than the weather. I am sitting at my computer and listening to the sleet hit the window. It is 30 degrees, but feels like 19 degrees. This is suppose to continue through tomorrow. It is suppose to change over to snow before it is through.

I am mostly posting this to keep my kids informed on what is going on. We have been tuned in to the TV all day and they are telling us that we could lose power at any time. Hubby decided to go ahead and close his office today, so he is at home. I was so worried that he would go to work and get stranded at work and I would be at home by myself with no power. That would not be fun.

But, if we do lose power, we have a gas stove, so we can cook. We stocked up on groceries yesterday. We also have a gas fireplace. We are hoping we can use it without electricity. It does have an electric switch though. I guess we will find out if we do lose power. We are keeping the house really warm and we can go upstairs and stay warm a long time. We also have lots of quilts and blankets, so I think we will make it just fine. I worry more about all the other people who don't have all this and also the animals.
I made hubby go outside and take these pictures for you all.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I was bored today. It seemed like it had been a week since I had been out of the house. But, it had actually only been a few days. It was also nice out and we are suppose to have freezing rain and snow on Thursday. I decided to drive around. We live in a housing addition, but it is on the outskirts of the country. Only about a half mile from our house are horse farms. Lots of horse farms. I mean huge horse farms. But, this is Oklahoma, so I guess that is what you would expect.

I had to really zoom in on this picture. This house was far off the road. I guess I could have driven up to it since the gate was open.

There weren't many horse and cows outside today, I guess they were in their heated and air conditioned barns.

I think this cow was wanting to ask me what I was doing.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


It was in the sixties here today, so we decided to drive to the big lake. There are lots of lakes in Oklahoma City but when people talk about this lake, they refer to it as the big lake. It is a huge lake in the middle of the city. It has lots of sailboats docked around it. In fact, I think that is the only boat that is allowed in it.

In the summer if you drive by the lake, it will be full of sailboats. I thought today there would be at least some sailboats on the lake. But, it was cloudy, as you can see from the pictures and also very windy.

A neat looking light house.

Some kind of pier.

These birds were everywhere. They look like sea gulls. But, I don't know why there would be sea gulls in Oklahoma.

I told hubby the next time that the grand kids come, we will make sure we take them to the lake to feed them. They might be afraid of them. They seem very brave. I am sure even Karlie would take notice of them though.

Friday, January 22, 2010


Look at her long eyelashes. She is two and one half months old.

Monday, January 18, 2010


The party was great. We ran a little short on food, since there ended up being more people than was expected. I always feel bad when there is not enough food. But, A enjoyed being the center of attention. She received lots of clothes and toys as gifts.
Mommy and Aunt T spent three hours at the grocery store buying food for the party and then stayed up until two Saturday morning making this Happy Birthday banner.

The food table. We have decided there is no way to make enough Pigs in the Blanket to feed everyone. The punch was suppose to be pink but the color was more like muddy water. There were also barbecue meat balls but they were still in the crock pot.
The cake was adorable. It was made by the same bakery that made K and J's wedding cake. A local bakery in Little Rock. Not only was it decorated cute but it also taste really good.
A close up of the monkey on the cake.

A anxiously awaiting the arrival of the guest.

Everyone is in front of A singing Happy Birthday. She loved it. They are holding her hands to keep her from grabbing the lit candle.

It didn't take her but a second to dig into her cake.

Dad handed her a spoon, but she didn't think she needed it.

On a sugar high after eating her cake.

Helping her mom open the gifts.

I think her favorite gift was one of Tammy and Patricks gift. A sippy cup. She demanded that something be put in it.

Just looking cute.

Playing with her cousin.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Hubby and I will be leaving today to go to Arkansas. We will be helping A celebrate her birthday tomorrow. Aunt T will meet us in Arkansas also. I think a few friends and her other grandparents will be at the party also. I should have lots of pictures to share when we get back.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010



Monday, January 11, 2010


Well, it did make it up to 40 degrees yesterday, just barely. So, I decided we should get out of the house for awhile. We drove through Starbucks and got hot chocolate and then just drove around. Every neighborhood that we drove through, that had a little lake, the lake was covered with ducks. I guess the lakes had been frozen and now they were beginning to melt. On one lake in a neighborhood, there were kids skating on the lake. That seemed a little dangerous with the temperatures at 40 degrees.

There is a puddle in the middle of this lake, that is thawed. The rest is ice.

Doesn't the sky look pretty and blue.

I know the ducks are happy that it is warming up and the ice is melting.