Monday, November 23, 2009


Hubby and I left for Kansas City on Friday. When we arrived, we were greeted by C and mommy holding Karlie. T came over that night to eat with us after she got off work. M had made barbecue and T had made some dishes also and brought them over.

The next day, T, M, C, Karlie, hubby and I all went to Legends to shop.

Karlie all dressed and ready to go shopping.

Legends was already decorated for Christmas.

They even have a little train that pulls the kids around the stores.

We went to the Children's outlets and I think we found lots of good deals. This was just from one store. Karlie and A are going to have matching pajamas for Christmas.

After we finished shopping, we went to the Long Horn Steak restaurant to eat. C said something funny that is why T is laughing. We think C is going to grow up to be a comedian.

I just have to show you a picture of all of C's toys. These are not even all of them. There are toys in the garage and every other room of the house. But , M did fill a garbage bag full of them when Papaw had C occupied doing something else and sent them home with us. C will have them to play with when he comes to visit us. Just hope he doesn't miss them or they will be making a trip to Oklahoma to get them. I would say that he has no idea how many cars and trucks he has but I bet he does.

Karlie is holding in her pacifier. She is a really good baby. She only cries when she is hungry. C says she also cries when she doesn't want her diaper changed.

Cute picture of T and Karlie.

We left this morning to come home and I already miss everyone, but hopefully we will get to see everyone for Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, Karlie is beautiful! I'm so glad to see more I know how frustrating it was for you after Abby was born and I never uploaded pictures. ;) I wish we could have gone! I want to see everyone so bad! And Tracy is definitely losing weight! Wow!
