Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I found another box. This box had old photo albums. One full of sports pictures. My kids played softball, basketball and M even played tennis for a little while. They also took gymnastics and dance. None of them really cared for dance. But they never played soccer. I wonder why? But, anyhow it is fun to go back and look at the old pictures.

This picture was taken at a tournament in Tulsa, Ok. I also remember it was really windy and every time I opened my mouth to cheer, it was filled with dirt. T's team won the tournament and they got trophies and also carnations. They had one carnation left over and they gave it to K. K was really excited to get it and but can you tell T was a little embarrassed.

This picture shows how much we were into ball. M's birthday cake that year was a bear with an Lil Eagles uniform on. Whose idea do you think it might have been. Probably not M. Hint, her dad was the coach of her team. But, it was a cute cake.

M and K's teams both got trophies that year.

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