Monday, November 9, 2009


When I received the news Friday morning from T that M was at the hospital in labor, hubby and I were packing to leave to visit K, J and A in Arkansas. We decided to go ahead and go because we had already planned to go a week or two after Karlie was born. I think a mom needs to get settled in before she has house guest. But, I can't wait to see our new granddaughter.

We arrived at K's house late Friday night and I am pretty sure A knew who we were, even though she hadn't seen us in six weeks. She was all smiles and when I went and sat on the couch she came and pulled my shirt for me to pick her up.

K had already decided she wanted to go to Red Lobster to eat Saturday night. J was at a martial arts tournament in Eureka Springs.

Pappa and A looking in the lobster tank while we wait. There is always a wait. We even got there early.

A didn't seem too thrilled with them.

A with her little lobster bib on, not too thrilled about that either.

Mostly what I did was sit in A's playroom and watch her play. We took her some new toys to play with.

Checking out her caterpillar.

In this picture she is checking out her dad's collection of trophies that he won at the tournament after he returned on Saturday night.

We got up on Sunday morning and headed back to Oklahoma. It was sure sad to leave. I think A was kind of sad to see us leave also. We probably won't see them again until Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. all the grands look so sweet! i know you guys are proud! hope you are getting all settled in the new home. hugs to everyone
