Santa on a unicycle.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Santa on a unicycle.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
The next day, T, M, C, Karlie, hubby and I all went to Legends to shop.

Legends was already decorated for Christmas.

They even have a little train that pulls the kids around the stores.

We went to the Children's outlets and I think we found lots of good deals. This was just from one store. Karlie and A are going to have matching pajamas for Christmas.

I just have to show you a picture of all of C's toys. These are not even all of them. There are toys in the garage and every other room of the house. But , M did fill a garbage bag full of them when Papaw had C occupied doing something else and sent them home with us. C will have them to play with when he comes to visit us. Just hope he doesn't miss them or they will be making a trip to Oklahoma to get them. I would say that he has no idea how many cars and trucks he has but I bet he does.

Cute picture of T and Karlie.

We left this morning to come home and I already miss everyone, but hopefully we will get to see everyone for Christmas.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
This picture was taken at a tournament in Tulsa, Ok. I also remember it was really windy and every time I opened my mouth to cheer, it was filled with dirt. T's team won the tournament and they got trophies and also carnations. They had one carnation left over and they gave it to K. K was really excited to get it and but can you tell T was a little embarrassed.

This picture shows how much we were into ball. M's birthday cake that year was a bear with an Lil Eagles uniform on. Whose idea do you think it might have been. Probably not M. Hint, her dad was the coach of her team. But, it was a cute cake.
M and K's teams both got trophies that year.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
This is the first roast I have cooked since we moved into this house. Hubby will always say that I don't put enough carrots and potatoes, but I tell him the pan will only hold so much, I have to have some room for the roast. We usually buy an English roast, but they did not have them at the store last night. Maybe that is just a Southern thing.
I promise there is a roast below all those potatoes and carrots. You can see some meat in the second picture. I then pour two cans of mushroom soup on top of the carrots and potatoes and cook all afternoon. I always dread cooking a roast but after it is in the oven your meal is finished except that I will open a can or two of green beans and cook and heat up some rolls.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
This was the first Thanksgiving after T and M married in 2000. We all went to Kansas City for Thanksgiving that year. If I remember correctly there was a snow on the ground that year. This was the first house that they bought and lived in for five years. They all look so young in these pictures.
As soon as Thanksgiving dinner was over they decorated the house for Christmas. Then we drove down to the Plaza to see all the Christmas lights. I tried to zoom in but this was before digital cameras, so the quality is not the best.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
We arrived at K's house late Friday night and I am pretty sure A knew who we were, even though she hadn't seen us in six weeks. She was all smiles and when I went and sat on the couch she came and pulled my shirt for me to pick her up.
K had already decided she wanted to go to Red Lobster to eat Saturday night. J was at a martial arts tournament in Eureka Springs.
Pappa and A looking in the lobster tank while we wait. There is always a wait. We even got there early.

A didn't seem too thrilled with them.

A with her little lobster bib on, not too thrilled about that either.

Mostly what I did was sit in A's playroom and watch her play. We took her some new toys to play with.

Checking out her caterpillar.

In this picture she is checking out her dad's collection of trophies that he won at the tournament after he returned on Saturday night.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

But he looks happier in this picture.