Sunday, October 30, 2011


Aunt Tracy and Kim took Abby to a place called The Storybook Forrest last night. It is not far from our house. It is beside a lake. The kids walk on a little path through the woods and storybook themes are set up. There are people dressed up along the way handing out candy. I think some places they are reading stories. It sounded cute to me, but I think Kim and Tracy thought it was a little lame. But, Abby enjoyed it.

It was cool, since it was by the lake and the wind was blowing, but it was not cool enough for a hat and mittens. Abby just thought they were necessary. This was Abby's favorite. She cried all the way home, that she wanted to go back and rock the baby.

After they got back from The Storybook Forrest, we all went over to Tracy's and Abby got to see Bob. It made Abby so happy. Does Bob look happy?

Abby decided to put Aunt Tracy's boots on and walk around in them. She was pretty good at it.

Not sure what the plans are for today, but I think Kim wants it to be an activity that doesn't include candy.

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