Friday, October 28, 2011


Kim and Abby arrived yesterday. We didn't do much today. We took Abby over to Tracy's house, so she could see Bob. Abby calls him Bobby. But, Bob found a good hiding place and never came out. It was so sad, Abby had his treats in her hands and was going to every room, calling where are you Bobby. She loves him so much, but Bob doesn't like her. We will try again when Tracy is home and maybe she can get him to come out of his hiding spot.

We took this picture before we left to go to Tracy's. Abby wouldn't have her picture made without her blanket, so Kim finally convinced her to just sit on it. Tracy and Kim took Abby to see the movie Puss in Boots tonight. Kim has several Halloween activities planned for Abby tomorrow.

Over at Aunt Tracy's after she had given up on finding Bob.

On another note, after stressing for many months, Tracy finally bought a new car.

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