Monday, August 9, 2010


We are back. We got home last night. When we arrived at M's house in Kansas City on Friday night, Karlie was sitting on the floor. I asked M if she was crawling and she said, not yet. C was sitting beside her and he said and I quote. Her butt is too heavy, that is why she cannot crawl. I thought that was so funny. He can come up with the best sayings.

We had lots of fun. Mom and Dad went to the Brooks and Dunn concert in St. Louis while, Papaw, T and I babysat. We took C and Karlie to Zonkers on Saturday. Zonkers is an indoor amusement park. That was part of C's birthday present from us. He had lots of fun. He rode the roller coaster four times. He also played lots of games.

T helping him play a game.
C riding one of the rides.

Karlie was not that excited about it all. It was very loud and she had refused to take her afternoon nap.

This was her checking the place out after we first arrived.

She decided it would be more fun if Papaw walked around with her.

But, finally she just gave up and fell asleep. I don't how she slept in a place so noisy.

I want to thank T for coming over and helping us. Well, to be honest T really did most of the taking care of C and Karlie. Also to be honest, I have realized these past two weeks how tiring it can get taking care of little kids. It has been so long since my kids were little, I had forgotten. But, even though it is tiring there is nothing I had rather do.

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