Monday, August 16, 2010


I think I have been talking about hanging the pictures on our walls every since we moved in. Well folks, after living in this house for almost a year, I think we have them all hung. That is, until I get more pictures of the grand kids, that will need to be framed and hung.

All these pictures are either on the walls going up the stairs or on the walls in the hall upstairs.

My favorite wall.

Looking over the balcony from upstairs.

Pictures every where. This was just a little cubby hole upstairs. We didn't really know what to do with it so we found a table that fit perfectly in it.

I realize that from looking at the pictures that it looks like I have a lot more of C than the rest of the grand kids, but you have to remember C was almost 3 1/2 years old before we had any other grand kids. I am sure the others will eventually catch up with him. I have lots of wall space for more pictures.

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