Friday, August 6, 2010


Yes, we just got back last Friday and now we are leaving again. We are going to Kansas City to stay with C and Karlie while their mom and dad attend a concert in another city. Also, since we weren't present for C's birthday party last weekend, we will help him celebrate his birthday again this weekend. T will be coming over to help us and also help us take care of them.

It is so hot here. The heat index yesterday was 114. We so need some relief. The other day when T and I had been to the post office and were coming home, we were behind a truck pulling a trailer. In the trailer was a dead horse. We wondered if it had died from the heat. But, also we thought it should not have been in the trailer uncovered. What did little kids think, seeing a dead horse bouncing around. I think C would have been very upset if he had seen it. So, shame on you Arabian Horse Farm of Oklahoma City for not covering the dead horse up.

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