Sunday, December 27, 2009


Well guess what? K and A didn't make it back to Arkansas for Christmas Day. They ended staying in Oklahoma with Momo and Pappa. Their flight on Christmas Day was canceled also. But, they did get on the 10 O'clock flight yesterday morning. We called to make sure that they made it back OK and K said that they were on their way to the house but, there was flooding and they could not take there usual route home. I know A will be happy to sleep in her bed and see her puppy. Oh, and her daddy. Also, K told me when I called that one reason A had felt so bad was she just cut a molar.

We had a great Christmas. Even with colds, stomach viruses and being snowed in. C had a cold. All the family was here except J. T headed back to KC yesterday morning. She had a little trouble just getting out of our driveway. But she made it fine until she got closer to KC and I think she had a little more trouble. M and family left this morning.

Here are some pictures of the grand kids opening their presents. But, first I want to post C's letter to Santa. I thought it was pretty good for a four year old. His mom wrote it but she wrote exactly what C told her to write.


I've been good this year. Please bring me good toys. We love you. You're welcome to this rice crispy treat, Mike and Ike's and water.

Carter, Abby, Kim, Karlie, Tracy, Momo, Pappa, Mommy and Daddy

Where is A?

Here she is. She loved this gift from Aunt T.

Her Aunt M gave her a baby stroller. She loved the stroller to push around but didn't want the baby doll in it. She kept putting the doll on the floor.

C was so excited. He loved all his gifts. He especially liked his fork lift that Aunt T gave him. She said she searched for a long time to find something other than the cars and trucks that he has so many of.

His magic set from Aunt Kim.

Karlie just wanted to eat and sleep. She is such a good baby. You don't even know she is in the room.

Doesn't she look cute in her snowman sleepers? She is very alert.

In her cute little Gymboree outfit. She is smiling at her Mommy.

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