Thursday, December 24, 2009


M, T, C and Karlie made it in from Kansas city last night and we opened some of the gifts. We will open the rest on Christmas morning. It started freezing rain around seven this morning and later turned to snow. K and A had planned on getting up this morning and flying back to Arkansas. When hubby woke up, he checked and their flight had been delayed by two hours. So, as they were getting ready to walk out the door, to leave for the airport, the TV station said that all Southwest Airlines flights had been canceled. So, hubby got busy and got them on the flight for eight in the morning. Later the entire airport was closed. A's daddy is so upset, that he is may miss spending Christmas Day with A, since it is her first Christmas. K is doing her best to get there.

They are calling it the "Blizzard of 2009." You can see grass in certain spots because the wind is blowing so hard, it is blowing the snow off.

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