Saturday, December 19, 2009


After K and A got to our the house yesterday, they first ate lunch, then each took a long nap. But, after A's nap the first thing she did was to get acquainted with Lulu. Lulu wasn't being very nice.

A then decided that Momo had put too many ornaments on the tree and decided to take a few off.

K decided to take her up to the play room and the first thing she reached for was C's little firetruck.She loved playing with all the toys.

Of course makers go in your mouth.

We then decided to go eat Chinese food. When K lived in this town, while she attended college, she thought this was the best Chinese restaurant ever. So, she wanted to go eat at it again.
A trying to take Pappa's place mat. A was really hungry and ate a lot. After we were finished eating, the waitress came and ask K if that baby ate Chinese food. K said yes, she did. She seemed surprised, but A loved it.

K puts a little bow on the hair that sticks up and A doesn't even know it is there, so she doesn't try and pull it off.

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