Wednesday, December 16, 2009


The UPS man just dropped this at our door. It is a live centerpiece from Vermont. For the prior two years, hubby's boss has sent us a live wreath from Vermont, but this year he sent a centerpiece instead. I love it. I can smell it through out the entire house. Can you see that I even lit the candles. I am known for never lighting candles. I have it sitting on my island in the kitchen now, but I will move it to the formal dinning room table later. But, it arrived really wet, so I am afraid it might damage the table if I put in on it now.

I just love hearing the UPS man drop a package on our front porch and ring the door bell. But, I also feel guilty, because I know there are so many people this Christmas, that are struggling and aren't getting packages dropped off at there front door.

We also received a basket of goodies yesterday from one of hubby's agents. All goodies will remain unopened until everyone arrives.

I finally got the tree decorated and gifts wrapped and put under it. I think this is the first year in a long time that I decorated it entirely by myself. I have had the kids help me and they do a better job. Oh, I did have hubby helping some. I also noticed from taking the picture, that the clock must be moved. I do not like it there.

Hubby got his early Christmas present about two weeks ago. It is the TV that you see over the mantle. I am not so sure I like it there either. But, that is one thing I wasn't given a choice on.

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