Sunday, December 27, 2009


Well guess what? K and A didn't make it back to Arkansas for Christmas Day. They ended staying in Oklahoma with Momo and Pappa. Their flight on Christmas Day was canceled also. But, they did get on the 10 O'clock flight yesterday morning. We called to make sure that they made it back OK and K said that they were on their way to the house but, there was flooding and they could not take there usual route home. I know A will be happy to sleep in her bed and see her puppy. Oh, and her daddy. Also, K told me when I called that one reason A had felt so bad was she just cut a molar.

We had a great Christmas. Even with colds, stomach viruses and being snowed in. C had a cold. All the family was here except J. T headed back to KC yesterday morning. She had a little trouble just getting out of our driveway. But she made it fine until she got closer to KC and I think she had a little more trouble. M and family left this morning.

Here are some pictures of the grand kids opening their presents. But, first I want to post C's letter to Santa. I thought it was pretty good for a four year old. His mom wrote it but she wrote exactly what C told her to write.


I've been good this year. Please bring me good toys. We love you. You're welcome to this rice crispy treat, Mike and Ike's and water.

Carter, Abby, Kim, Karlie, Tracy, Momo, Pappa, Mommy and Daddy

Where is A?

Here she is. She loved this gift from Aunt T.

Her Aunt M gave her a baby stroller. She loved the stroller to push around but didn't want the baby doll in it. She kept putting the doll on the floor.

C was so excited. He loved all his gifts. He especially liked his fork lift that Aunt T gave him. She said she searched for a long time to find something other than the cars and trucks that he has so many of.

His magic set from Aunt Kim.

Karlie just wanted to eat and sleep. She is such a good baby. You don't even know she is in the room.

Doesn't she look cute in her snowman sleepers? She is very alert.

In her cute little Gymboree outfit. She is smiling at her Mommy.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


M, T, C and Karlie made it in from Kansas city last night and we opened some of the gifts. We will open the rest on Christmas morning. It started freezing rain around seven this morning and later turned to snow. K and A had planned on getting up this morning and flying back to Arkansas. When hubby woke up, he checked and their flight had been delayed by two hours. So, as they were getting ready to walk out the door, to leave for the airport, the TV station said that all Southwest Airlines flights had been canceled. So, hubby got busy and got them on the flight for eight in the morning. Later the entire airport was closed. A's daddy is so upset, that he is may miss spending Christmas Day with A, since it is her first Christmas. K is doing her best to get there.

They are calling it the "Blizzard of 2009." You can see grass in certain spots because the wind is blowing so hard, it is blowing the snow off.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


A is 100 per cent better now. She is totally back to normal. She got to go out and run around outside yesterday afternoon. She loves being outside. She also got to open her gift last night from Aunt T. She loves it. The rest of the family will be coming in from Kansas City this afternoon and we will open all the gifts tonight, since K and A will be flying back to Arkansas tomorrow morning.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


If you will notice A is not smiling. A doesn't feel good. K put her down for her nap around three yesterday and when she woke up she threw up all over everything and then several more times last night. She also had diarrhea. She feels better today. She still has diarrhea but is not throwing up. But, she is still not back to being A. K has called her pediatrician in Little Rock, so maybe she will feel better soon. T arrived yesterday from Kansas City and M, T, C and Karlie will be arriving sometime tomorrow.

Monday, December 21, 2009


Poor Lulu. Lulu is jealous of A. Lulu is use to having the house to herself, not having to share it with a little girl.

Do you notice that all my plants are behind the gate? Wonder why?

I thought A would enjoy taking her bath in Momo's big tub. Well, I was wrong about that. Don't know why, but she hated it.

Lulu thought she would like to get in or maybe she wanted to find out why A was crying.

I did manage to get a little smile.

Ready for bed and looking cute in her new little sleepers.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


When someone forgets to put the gate back up and I don't have any idea who that someone might be, but A can climb up the stairs so fast.

It is like she is looking and thinking, oh no, I have another set to climb.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


After K and A got to our the house yesterday, they first ate lunch, then each took a long nap. But, after A's nap the first thing she did was to get acquainted with Lulu. Lulu wasn't being very nice.

A then decided that Momo had put too many ornaments on the tree and decided to take a few off.

K decided to take her up to the play room and the first thing she reached for was C's little firetruck.She loved playing with all the toys.

Of course makers go in your mouth.

We then decided to go eat Chinese food. When K lived in this town, while she attended college, she thought this was the best Chinese restaurant ever. So, she wanted to go eat at it again.
A trying to take Pappa's place mat. A was really hungry and ate a lot. After we were finished eating, the waitress came and ask K if that baby ate Chinese food. K said yes, she did. She seemed surprised, but A loved it.

K puts a little bow on the hair that sticks up and A doesn't even know it is there, so she doesn't try and pull it off.

Friday, December 18, 2009


K and A arrived today to spend a week with us. They will go back to Arkansas on Christmas Eve. I don't think A was a very good traveler this time. Not sure if she recognized us at first. It took a long time for us to get a smile. But, she finally gave us a big smile.

Arriving off the plane.

Momo watching her while K and Pappa get the luggage. A is watching all the people in the airport.
Momo watching her while Pappa pulls the car around. The hat is still on.

A deciding that the hat does not need to be on her head.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


C had a Christmas program at his pre school on Sunday night. He did really good. After each song he bowed.

C with the Santa mask that he made.

Can you tell which one is C?

After the program was over, Santa came out so the kids could talk to him. C said that it was not the real Santa. He could tell by his voice.

Isn't Karlie cute?

She is so cute in her little Christmas outfit.

After the program was over C got to ride in a limo to see Christmas lights. C has always wanted to ride in a limo. He really enjoyed it.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


The UPS man just dropped this at our door. It is a live centerpiece from Vermont. For the prior two years, hubby's boss has sent us a live wreath from Vermont, but this year he sent a centerpiece instead. I love it. I can smell it through out the entire house. Can you see that I even lit the candles. I am known for never lighting candles. I have it sitting on my island in the kitchen now, but I will move it to the formal dinning room table later. But, it arrived really wet, so I am afraid it might damage the table if I put in on it now.

I just love hearing the UPS man drop a package on our front porch and ring the door bell. But, I also feel guilty, because I know there are so many people this Christmas, that are struggling and aren't getting packages dropped off at there front door.

We also received a basket of goodies yesterday from one of hubby's agents. All goodies will remain unopened until everyone arrives.

I finally got the tree decorated and gifts wrapped and put under it. I think this is the first year in a long time that I decorated it entirely by myself. I have had the kids help me and they do a better job. Oh, I did have hubby helping some. I also noticed from taking the picture, that the clock must be moved. I do not like it there.

Hubby got his early Christmas present about two weeks ago. It is the TV that you see over the mantle. I am not so sure I like it there either. But, that is one thing I wasn't given a choice on.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


We got up this morning and took boxes to the recycling center. Yes, we are still unpacking boxes. Went to Starbucks and got hot chocolate. Then drove through our town and took pictures of the Christmas decorations. But, these pictures do not do it justice. It is so much cuter in person. At night with everything lit up, it is really cute.

There are lots of statues throughout the town.

I have absolutely no idea what this statue is suppose to be.

We then came home and finished decorating the tree. I finally found all my ornaments. I will try to take pictures of the tree tomorrow and post them.