Sunday, October 4, 2009


It was a very busy weekend for us. M, T and C came in on Thursday night and T came in on Friday night. On Saturday K, T and I took A to get her pictures made. We had to wait a long time, so A was kind of cranky and they didn't turn out that great, but they were still cute.

We babysat for C, while his parents went to dinner with friends on Saturday night. T took him to the park which is just at the end of our street. C says it is just a hop, skip, and jump from Momo's and Pappa's house.
We all then went to our favorite Mexican restaurant to eat that night.
K forgot A's sippy cup, so T is feeding her water from a straw.

Today K and A flew back to Little Rock. It was A's first time to fly. I think K was really stressed about flying with A by herself and I don't blame her. But she made it just fine. I think A slept most of the way.
Then M, T and C left to go back to Kansas City and not long after that T left. So it is going to be lonely around here for awhile.

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