Sunday, October 18, 2009


T came in on Friday night. There was an OSU game on Saturday night. Hubby and T went to it. OSU played Missouri and won. T helped us get lots of things done around the house. We also celebrated T's birthday by going to Johnny Corrina's to eat. T left this afternoon to go back to Kansas City. We sure enjoyed having her for the weekend.

A kind of funny thing happened early Sunday morning. We knew when we moved in, that the neighborhood would eventually be gated. So, on Friday night, they started locking the gates. We had not been given anything on how to get in when they are locked. Hubby called, concerned that he and T would get back from the game late on Saturday night and not be able to get in. So, the person gave him a temporary code. Well, they ended up not getting home until after one Sunday morning and sure enough the code would not work. So, they parked at a gas station close by and walked and crawled under the gates. T said she was afraid a coyote was going to come out of the woods and eat them.

When we went to eat today we saw a fox on the side of the road dead, so I told her she should have been worrying about a fox instead of a coyote.

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