Tuesday, October 20, 2009


When we were on the way to the pumpkin patch about three weeks ago, we saw a strange looking building. We didn't think much about it, but it just looked a little out of place to be located in Arcadia, Oklahoma. When we got to the pumpkin patch, we ask if they served food, we were going to eat lunch there. We were told the only thing was that we could roast our own hot dogs. Well we weren't too keen on that idea, so we ask if there was anything close where we might eat lunch.
Remember M was 81/2 months pregnant and she needed to eat.
The lady told us to drive back down to Pops. I thought it would be a little country store, but no it was the out of place looking building that we had passed on the way to the pumpkin patch. It is was just down the road from the old historic round barn.

Out of place looking building. It is strange to see a building like this in the middle of nowhere.
This is out in front of the building. A soda bottle with a straw. It lights up at night.
Soda bottles line the walls.

A watching our waiter, she liked him. He talked to her every time he walked by.

When we went to eat there about three weeks ago, hubby and T were not with us. So, when T came into town over the weekend, hubby, T and I went to Pops to eat. They thought the food was really good. Also, it is probably less than ten miles from our house.
Hubby and T dressed in their OSU gear.

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