Friday, October 30, 2009


T came in tonight from Kansas City. Hubby and her are going to the OSU game tomorrow night. OSU plays Texas and Texas is ranked #3. We plan on doing some Christmas shopping tomorrow.
Hubby took this picture tonight in our backyard. I thought it was kind of neat looking. It was nice to have sun today, since we have had so much rain. We have had very few days with sunshine since we moved here.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


This picture was taken at around 1:30 yesterday when the clouds begin to roll in. I think it started raining at around four this morning and has rained all day. The sky looks so much bigger in Oklahoma without any trees in the way.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Doesn't she look like a big girl. She doesn't look like a baby anymore.

Monday, October 26, 2009


This is where hubby was yesterday. His company reserved a suite for each of the Cowboy's home games. So, he took five agents to the game yesterday. The suite had lots of food and drinks. If a woman had been taking pictures, she would have taken pictures of the food. But, men don't think that's important. He was pretty impressed.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


We drove through a neighborhood not too far from us yesterday, looking at fall decorations. The houses were quite nice to look at also.
I thought this display was really cute. I only put a fall wreath on our door this year. I will try to do more next year.

Friday, October 23, 2009


I am still unpacking boxes. I don't have even one room completely put together. Every time K calls I always tell her I am trying to get the bonus room/playroom put together. I am making half the room where there is a TV and a love seat and the other half is a playroom for the grand kids.

But K will always say that I should have it finished by now if I am working on it that much and then she tells me to post pictures of what I do have finished. So, these pictures are for K.

I was telling T last weekend when she was here that they would have loved it when they were little if their Mamma or Grandmother would have had a room with toys like this for them to play with. One of them, I won't name names raised their grand daughter and her toys were at the house when we would visit, but our kids were not allowed to play with them. She even put the toy chest upon a shift robe, so they could not reach them.

I can not imagine having toys in my house and telling C or A they cannot play with them. I was big on toys for my kids and I am also for my grand kids, because when I was little I did not have very many at all. My parents only believed in buying things that were a necessity.

Most of these toys belonged to K. I gave away T and M's toys, but K insisted I keep hers. There are two big closets in the bonus room, so I took one and put a lot of the toys on the shelves in it.

K collected the Sweet Valley Twins and Babysitters Club books.

We use to play games all the time and I enjoyed it. We need to start back playing them, but we get sidetracked now just watching the grand kids play.

T put my bookcase together last weekend that I had ordered. I still have to figure out some way to display all my barbies. I have at least forty of them and the toy box is full of dolls. I still have another storage box full of dolls also and a storage bin full of doll clothes. Mamma made lots of those, so I want to display them. I have barbie clothes that my mother made thirty years ago for T and M's first barbie dolls. She also crocheted doll blankets for them and made sheets for their doll beds. I don't think a lot of grandmas would have gone to that much trouble.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


The previous owners of our house were from Hawaii. They also moved back to Hawaii. But, they left behind seven plants. Six of the plants were orchids. I have no idea how to take care of an orchid. I think I have managed to kill all but one of them. But, they also left this plant and I have no idea what it is. I am assuming it is also a plant native to Hawaii. It looks like it is growing in just rock. There may be soil in the pot but it doesn't look like to me there is. In the second picture you can see that it looks like a vine that the leaves are growing from. It has really grown since we moved in. I will show you what it looks like in about six months.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


When we were on the way to the pumpkin patch about three weeks ago, we saw a strange looking building. We didn't think much about it, but it just looked a little out of place to be located in Arcadia, Oklahoma. When we got to the pumpkin patch, we ask if they served food, we were going to eat lunch there. We were told the only thing was that we could roast our own hot dogs. Well we weren't too keen on that idea, so we ask if there was anything close where we might eat lunch.
Remember M was 81/2 months pregnant and she needed to eat.
The lady told us to drive back down to Pops. I thought it would be a little country store, but no it was the out of place looking building that we had passed on the way to the pumpkin patch. It is was just down the road from the old historic round barn.

Out of place looking building. It is strange to see a building like this in the middle of nowhere.
This is out in front of the building. A soda bottle with a straw. It lights up at night.
Soda bottles line the walls.

A watching our waiter, she liked him. He talked to her every time he walked by.

When we went to eat there about three weeks ago, hubby and T were not with us. So, when T came into town over the weekend, hubby, T and I went to Pops to eat. They thought the food was really good. Also, it is probably less than ten miles from our house.
Hubby and T dressed in their OSU gear.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


T came in on Friday night. There was an OSU game on Saturday night. Hubby and T went to it. OSU played Missouri and won. T helped us get lots of things done around the house. We also celebrated T's birthday by going to Johnny Corrina's to eat. T left this afternoon to go back to Kansas City. We sure enjoyed having her for the weekend.

A kind of funny thing happened early Sunday morning. We knew when we moved in, that the neighborhood would eventually be gated. So, on Friday night, they started locking the gates. We had not been given anything on how to get in when they are locked. Hubby called, concerned that he and T would get back from the game late on Saturday night and not be able to get in. So, the person gave him a temporary code. Well, they ended up not getting home until after one Sunday morning and sure enough the code would not work. So, they parked at a gas station close by and walked and crawled under the gates. T said she was afraid a coyote was going to come out of the woods and eat them.

When we went to eat today we saw a fox on the side of the road dead, so I told her she should have been worrying about a fox instead of a coyote.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


The other day at C's pre-school, they could dress up as a cowboy or cowgirl. When T picked him up from pre-school, the teacher said that C definitely had the neatest cowboy boots of all the other kids.

This little cow girl even brought her pink pony.

Friday, October 16, 2009


M and T have been working really hard to get Karlie's nursery ready for her. Here are some pictures of the progress so far. I told M that I like it, but it is very bright and may keep Karlie awake.

I think these letters are my favorite. Yes, M made them.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


T is 36 today.

I couldn't decide which picture I liked best so I put both of them on.

Monday, October 12, 2009


K had intended for A to be a little piggy for Halloween this year. But, she says now she is not sure that is going to happen. A hates the costume. We had this picture made when we took her a couple of weeks ago. But, she sure looks cute, even though she hates it.

These are pictures that were taken a couple of weeks ago when everyone was her. We were eating at the Hide-A-Way. I thought they were cute. I didn't notice at the time that C and A were sitting next to eat other. Maybe not a good idea.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Well, I had not been out of the house since Sunday. So today, I decided to get out and drive around our neighborhood. I wanted to see if people were decorating for Halloween. A few houses were, but not that many. It is so different here than in Arkansas. There are not many trees here, so it doesn't really feel that much like fall. Except the weather feels like fall. We had lots of rain yesterday and it turned really cold today.

This house is not realy decorated for fall, but has lots of pretty flowers.