Saturday, March 28, 2009


I talked to T today and she said this is what she was sitting and watching out her window. Well hopefully not this much. This picture was taken earlier this month of C and his friends. C is on the far right. It was in the sixties here yesterday and in the forties today, but I will take rain and forties any day over their snow. I am sure T and M will be glad when there is no more snow in their forecast. It is suppose to be in the sixties here tomorrow.

Also, K and A came over this aftenoon and pappa babysat while K and I went out to eat and did a little shopping. Pappa wanted to stay and watch basketball, so he didn't mind babysitting at all. He said that A was really good. She slept and lay on her back and laughed at him. She loves to lay on her back.

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