Thursday, March 19, 2009


K and A came over to visit yesterday. A was in a lot better mood than the last time she came to Pappa and Momo's house.
We went to P. F. Changs for dinner and A slept most of the time.

Today we went to the school. I think most of you that read my blog know that K's husband is a martial arts instructor. He is also a black belt and has a school where he teaches. He just recently moved the school to a different location. So we wanted to see the new school.

We were very impressed with it. It is a lot nicer than the old location.

But I have to be honest, the thing that I was most impressed with was all these trophies. These are J's trophies. K said these are just the ones he has won since he moved to Arkansas. They do not include the ones that he won when he was growing up.
I guess I am amazed at them because I have never won a trophy for anything. I won two ribbons when I was growing up. One for a child's pageant and one for a project I entered in the science fair.

While I was holding A at the school today I looked down and she was sucking her thumb. She slept almost the whole time we were there. See, she just won't sleep at Momo's house.

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