Thursday, March 5, 2009


While hubby and I were waiting for K and A to arrive yesterday, we watched the squirrels playing out our french doors. They were very active yesterday. M decided to get the camera and take some pictures. This one did not run away. They usually do. But it probably had no idea that Lulu was only ten feet from it. I don't know if Lulu has ever caught one but she sure likes to chase them.

After K and A arrived Pappa was able to get A to smile and get a picture of her. It is not the best quality picture but it is cute. We went shopping and then went to Johnny Corinos to eat. A is always really good when we go out to eat. She sleeps the whole time. I think she likes the noise.
Pappa is sticking his tongue out and A is trying to copy him.

This picture below was not taking yesterday but she had on the same outfit yesterday. Aunt M gave it to her and she looks so cute in it.

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