Sunday, March 29, 2009


While on our way over to babysit A today, M and I stopped off in North Little Rock at the Old Mill to take pictures. The Old Mill is where a scene from Gone with the Wind was filmed. It was beautiful today with the dogwoods and red buds in bloom and there were people every where. People mainly go there now to have pictures taken. In fact K and J had their engagement pictures made there. There were lots of people there today having family portraits made.
So after we left the Old Mill, we then went to K, J and A's to babysit. K and J went to see a movie. A was really good, she can pacify her own self now. She ate, slept and lay on her blanket and laughed at us. But we couldn't get a picture of her laughing.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


I talked to T today and she said this is what she was sitting and watching out her window. Well hopefully not this much. This picture was taken earlier this month of C and his friends. C is on the far right. It was in the sixties here yesterday and in the forties today, but I will take rain and forties any day over their snow. I am sure T and M will be glad when there is no more snow in their forecast. It is suppose to be in the sixties here tomorrow.

Also, K and A came over this aftenoon and pappa babysat while K and I went out to eat and did a little shopping. Pappa wanted to stay and watch basketball, so he didn't mind babysitting at all. He said that A was really good. She slept and lay on her back and laughed at him. She loves to lay on her back.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


A loves to lay on her back and kick. She kicks her legs like she is riding a bike. But she doesn't like tummy time at all. We took these pictures yesterday when K and A came for a visit.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A's many faces

Have you ever seen a baby with as many different expressions. K took these the other night when we went out to eat. They were taken one after another within minutes of each other.

Friday, March 20, 2009


1 lb. ground beef, or more to suit you
2 or 3 medium potatoes, peeled, medium diced
½ cup diced onion
2 teaspoons beef bouillon granules, or 2 cubes
salt and pepper to taste
1 teaspoon sugar
2 cans mixed vegetables, or any kind and amount you'd like to add
1 or 2 cans diced tomatoes

If I have canned beef stock or broth or leftover broth I use it in addition to or instead of the bouillon.
Brown ground beef and onion in a large pot or dutch oven.
Drain grease; rinse the ground beef if you'd like.
Add potatoes, beef bouillon, salt and pepper and sugar.
Cover with hot water and bring to a boil.
Reduce heat to a simmer and cook until potatoes are tender.
Add vegetables and tomatoes and additional hot water if needed; bring back to a boil.

Simmer for 15 minutes or so, then serve with hot cornbread, crackers or your choice of bread.

I use whatever I happen to have on hand for this soup. If I have fresh veggies I want to use I add them according to how long they'll take to cook. If I don't have canned mixed veggies, I use individual cans of green beans, corn, etc.You can also cook this in your crock pot. Just dump everything in and cook on high for 3-6 hours or low 4-8 hours, according to how fast your slow cooker cooks.

(I am posting this recipe because K was asking if I had one because she wanted to make it.)

Thursday, March 19, 2009


K and A came over to visit yesterday. A was in a lot better mood than the last time she came to Pappa and Momo's house.
We went to P. F. Changs for dinner and A slept most of the time.

Today we went to the school. I think most of you that read my blog know that K's husband is a martial arts instructor. He is also a black belt and has a school where he teaches. He just recently moved the school to a different location. So we wanted to see the new school.

We were very impressed with it. It is a lot nicer than the old location.

But I have to be honest, the thing that I was most impressed with was all these trophies. These are J's trophies. K said these are just the ones he has won since he moved to Arkansas. They do not include the ones that he won when he was growing up.
I guess I am amazed at them because I have never won a trophy for anything. I won two ribbons when I was growing up. One for a child's pageant and one for a project I entered in the science fair.

While I was holding A at the school today I looked down and she was sucking her thumb. She slept almost the whole time we were there. See, she just won't sleep at Momo's house.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


C went to a friend's birthday party over the weekend. It was one where they cooked. They were given a chef's hat and an apron with their name on it.

In this first picture C is not that happy about the whole idea. He kept telling M, mommy, come get me down. They are making calzones.
In this picture, they are decorating the cupcakes they made. He is a lot happier.

The birthday girl's mom made this cake and M said they couldn't figure out what it was. They thought maybe an apron and someone finally ask her and she said well she hoped it looked like a chefs hat. I think C ended up having a really good time.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Friday, March 13, 2009


K and A came for a visit today after A's doctor's appointment with her pediatrician. But A was not very happy. She got two shots.

Yesterday, she had laser surgery, so she has just had a rough week. But she did fine during the laser surgery. The surgery was done at the Children's Hospital in Little Rock. K was very impressed with the hospital and the doctor and all his staff. K said it only took about eight seconds and the only time A cried was when they covered her eyes.
This is A after her surgery with her band aids on.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


In the doll room closet, I have Rubbermaid storage boxes stacked from the floor to the ceiling. They contain toys. Most of them are K's toys. Since K is the youngest, I kept most of her toys and also at her insistence that I not give them away. I would have liked to have kept all the kids toys, but with five people in a house and not that much storage space, I wasn't able to do that. Also, I felt guilty that after they outgrew their toys, children less fortunate, would be able to enjoy them.

After my grandson C was born, I went through the boxes and took out the ones that I thought he would enjoy playing with, but left all the girly ones in the boxes. I was hoping that I would someday have a grand daughter to play with them. Now I do and so, the other day I went thought the boxes again, taking out things for A when she gets old enough to play with them.
These are some of the dolls and stuffed animals that belonged to K. Some I don't even remember at all. But, most I can remember exactly where they came from.

Fievel, of course from the movie American Tail. K always wanted to cut his hat off, because the little neighbor girl, that she played with, cut hers off. But, I would not let her.

Anne Geddes bunny, I know A will love it. I don't even remember ever seeing it until I found it in the box.

This troll is so ugly, it is cute.

A bear I bought at Sam's.

Her Cardinal cheerleader bear that we bought at a Cardinals game in St. Louis.

Melvin brought her this little doll back from one of his many out of town business trips. K has had this doll since she was about three.

Strawberry Shortcake. K had everything Strawberry Shortcake.

You can make this doll's hair different colors.

This doll's hair grows.

I have saved all of the Cabbage Patches and I probably have over thirty Barbies. I think Momo is going to have plenty of dolls for A to play with when she gets older.

Monday, March 9, 2009


M and I went over and spent the afternoon with K and A today. We babysat while K got some things done around the house. It was a beautiful day. The temperature was in the eighties. So, Pappa decided he would take A in her stroller on a walk around the neighborhood.

This is A ready for her walk.

This is Pappa and A heading up the street.

This is Pappa coming back down the street with A on his shoulder. A decided she didn't like taking a stroll.

This is actually how A spent most of the time we were there. But we really enjoyed it.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


While hubby and I were waiting for K and A to arrive yesterday, we watched the squirrels playing out our french doors. They were very active yesterday. M decided to get the camera and take some pictures. This one did not run away. They usually do. But it probably had no idea that Lulu was only ten feet from it. I don't know if Lulu has ever caught one but she sure likes to chase them.

After K and A arrived Pappa was able to get A to smile and get a picture of her. It is not the best quality picture but it is cute. We went shopping and then went to Johnny Corinos to eat. A is always really good when we go out to eat. She sleeps the whole time. I think she likes the noise.
Pappa is sticking his tongue out and A is trying to copy him.

This picture below was not taking yesterday but she had on the same outfit yesterday. Aunt M gave it to her and she looks so cute in it.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I found this recipe on another blog and thought it looked good. I e-mailed it to T because she is always trying to think of different kinds of food to cook. I have not made it yet but T did and she said it is really good. So, I will be making it this week. T also said it makes a huge pot, so plan on eating it for a while.

1 lb lean ground beef
1 large onion chopped
1 can kidney beans
1 can pinto beans
1 can corn
1 can Rotel tomatoes
1 can diced tomatoes
1 package Taco Seasoning
1 package Ranch dressing mix

Brown ground beef and onion and drain.
Add rest of ingredients and simmer for 1-2 hours.
Sprinkle 2 per cent cheese on top

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Some scenes around our town of the Bradford Pears in bloom. I don't realize how many there are in our town until they are all in bloom. So it makes me hopeful that spring will soon be here but for the last few nights it has dipped down in to the twenties.
One in front of our house.