In the doll room closet, I have Rubbermaid storage boxes stacked from the floor to the ceiling. They contain toys. Most of them are K's toys. Since K is the youngest, I kept most of her toys and also at her insistence that I not give them away. I would have liked to have kept all the kids toys, but with five people in a house and not that much storage space, I wasn't able to do that. Also, I felt guilty that after they outgrew their toys, children less fortunate, would be able to enjoy them.
After my grandson C was born, I went through the boxes and took out the ones that I thought he would enjoy playing with, but left all the girly ones in the boxes. I was hoping that I would someday have a grand daughter to play with them. Now I do and so, the other day I went thought the boxes again, taking out things for A when she gets old enough to play with them.
These are some of the dolls and stuffed animals that belonged to K. Some I don't even remember at all. But, most I can remember exactly where they came from.
of course from the movie American Tail. K always wanted to cut his hat off, because the little neighbor girl, that she played with, cut hers off. But, I would not let her.
e Geddes bunny, I know A will love it. I don't even remember ever seeing it until I found it in the box.
This troll is so ugly, it is cute.
A bear I bought at Sam's.
Her Cardinal cheerleader bear that we bought at a Cardinals game in St. Louis.
Melvin brought her this little doll back from one of his many out of town business trips. K has had this doll since she was about three.
Strawberry S
hortcake. K had everything Strawberry Shortcake.
You can make this doll's hair different colors.
This doll's hair grows.

I have saved all of the Cabbage Patches and I probably have over thirty Barbies. I think Momo is going to have plenty of dolls for A to play with when she gets older.