Friday, February 13, 2009


The temperature has been in the sixties most of this week. We have also had rain this week. So, when I looked out this morning I noticed that our Maple out back and our Bradford Pear in the front yard was beginning to put out. I am sure we will have a freeze in the next two weeks that will kill the buds, but at least it's beginning to look a little like Spring.

Even though I spent ten years of my life growing up on a farm, I never noticed things like trees until we bought our first house. That first house was in Little Rock. I remember the trees had begin to put out like this year and the next week we had a freeze. I called my mother upset asking her if that meant the trees were dead for the whole Summer. She told me know that they would put out again. I guess I also didn't listen when we studied about trees in school.

Maple tree out back.

Bradford Pear out front.

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