Monday, October 1, 2012


I have been working on redoing the twin bed guest bedroom upstairs. When I talked to Kim the other day, I told her that I was painting the desk and when I was finished I would put a picture of it on my blog. She asked me if I had a before picture and I said no. She said well an after picture didn't do any good unless I had a before. Well, I did go back through my blog post and find a before one. This is a picture of the desk in our house in Maumelle, Ar. This desk belong to the kids when they were little. They also had a canopy bed that matched it. I remember a few years after I bought the desk, I hated the flowers and tried to remove them with finger nail polish remover. You can remove lots of things with it, but it could not remove the flowers. I have been meaning to paint this desk for so many years and just kept putting it off. BEFORE
I didn't do a professional job, but I sure think it looks better than before.
Kim gave me this for my birthday thinking the colors would match this room. It really didn't match but I painted some of the petals the same color blue as the mirror and think that it matches fine now.
Tracy gave me this mirror. She had it in her bathroom in her house in Kansas City. I painted it and really like the way it turned out.
So, about all I have left to do now is to order new drapes and comforters. They will be in a black and white pattern. I will post more pictures when I get it completely done.

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