Wednesday, October 10, 2012


The cleaning lady just left and it feels so good to have all my floors vacuumed and mopped and also every piece of furniture dusted. But, she did inform me if I wanted my light fixtures, ceiling fans and blinds dusted, that would be a deep cleaning, which I did not request. This is only the second time in 41 years of marriage that I have had a cleaning lady. But, we are thinking about letting her come twice a month to clean. I have done a little decorating for Halloween/Fall but not much.
A view of our living room from my bench down the hall from the foyer.
We have a high ceiling in our foyer and when I sit on the bench and look up, I always think I need to put some pictures or something over the arch, but just have no idea what to put.
Well, our crew from Kansas City will be coming in tomorrow. We have plans to go to the pumpkin patch. A request to do smores over the fire pit. I was kind of hoping it would stay cool and it would be fun to have the fire to warm us but, I think it will warm back up into the mid eighties this weekend. Also, we will be celebrating Tracy's birthday this weekend. So, it will busy for us considering our usual weekends.

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