Sunday, October 14, 2012


Tracy chose Old Chicago for her birthday dinner. Of course, we couldn't go until the OSU game was over. There was a delay because of rain. So, it was kind of a late dinner. We then came back to the house and ate cup cakes that we had picked up earlier. We opted for cupcakes instead of cake, so we wouldn't have any left over.
Karlie didn't like the cupcake that her mommy had picked out for her. She is happy in the picture after she got the one she wanted. Pap-pa ended up not getting the one he wanted, but he wasn't that upset over it.
Carter is helping Tracy open her gifts.
Karlie loved playing with this toy while she was here. We have a bonus room upstairs with the toys but they still bring the toys downstairs, because they want to be with us.
Carter and Karlie went out and kicked the balls around in the back yard before they left this morning. Karlie is pretty good at kicking the ball. Carter kicked the big blue ball over the fence into our neighbors yard. We were pretty sure they were out of town. So, Michelle thought about climbing the fence but decided not to and Tad decided he didn't want to either. So, Karlie finally decided she would just crawl underneath the fence and get it . Carter fretted that she would get hurt. After she retrieved the ball and climbed back under to our side she cheered and said 'I did it, I did it". But, a few minutes later she decided she would go back under again because she saw toys in the yard that she could play on. Michelle was trying to convince her that they belong to someone else and she could not play on them. Carter said why don't we just take her to the neighborhood park. We said yeah, why didn't we think of that. So, she got to go to the park and play and was happy but sad when she had to leave.
Can you tell that the wind is blowing hard from the looks of Karlie's hair.
Lulu is hiding and watching them kick the ball. Maybe she thinks they will hit her with the ball. She liked them being here. I think she misses them after they leave.

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