Sunday, August 26, 2012


Over the past couple of years Tracy has lost two of her cats. They were old and went into kidney failure and had to be put to sleep. So, she thought Bob was lonely and needed some company. She looked on the local animal shelter website and found a Russian Blue. Mimi caught her attention because one of the cats she lost was a Russian Blue. But, after reading more she found out that Mimi had a sister cat, Gwen and they were both missing part of their front paw. The only description was a declawing gone bad. Well Tracy was only intending to get one cat but she knew that probably no one would ever adopt either one because part of their paw was missing. Also, they had already been at the shelter over two months. So, she decided to just adopt both of them. Bob likes them, but they don't like Bob that much. They both have a little bit of an attitude. They have no trouble getting around at all and they climb on everything. That is why Tracy bought this cat toy(top picture) for them to climb on, but Mimi is the ony one that likes playing on it. You can also tell from the picture that part of Mimi's paw is missing. They don't have to worry about anything now, they are some really spoiled cats.

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