Sunday, August 12, 2012


I have started doing Pinterest and have found lots of good chicken recipes. Tracy came over to eat with us tonight and I made this one called Ranch Chicken. It was really good.
I thought this was a cute picture of Abby. They all had been out to eat and when they were leaving, Abby went and sat in the chair and said cheese. Kim said she held that pose until someone took her picture.
On another note, it has been so hot here and still is hot. But, if it only gets to 100, we think we are having a cool spell. Our hottest day was a week ago last Wednesday and it got up to 112. That was also the day that our air conditoner went out. We called at 7:30 the next morning and they said they were slammed but would try to make it out sometime that day. Within two hours a guy called and said he was on his way to our house. I told him I didn't know how we got move up on his list but I sure was thankful we did. Our capacitor had blown. He said he was replacing them every day because of the heat. In a couple of weeks, we are going to the mountains for a few days, sure hope it is cooler up there.

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