Saturday, January 21, 2012


Abby celebrated her third birthday in Oklahoma last night. Kim decided to have it out here this year instead of in Arkansas. There are more kids out here that Kim and Abby know than in Arkansas. Also, it was easier for Michelle, Carter and Karlie to drive down for it. They arrived just in time for the party.

Kim booked the party at Gymboree in Oklahoma City. I think all the kids had fun. I know that for sure Abby did. The lady in charge at Gymboree did a really good job. I totally recommend Gymboree for a three year old's birthday party.

Everyone is singing Happy Birthday to Abby. She is a little gotten off with.

Abby is catching a bubble. Gymboree has the best bubbles. They don't pop.
Abby opening her gifts. She wasn't really much into her gifts. She had rather play with her friends.

Karlie enjoyed playing in the tubes most out of everything.

Isn't this baby adorable?
I think this was the most fun thing, the parachute.

Do you think Abby's Aunt Michelle might be a party supply rep?

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