Monday, November 7, 2011


Tracy and I traveled to Kansas City on Friday to help Karlie celebrate her second birthday. It had a princess theme. She had fun, but she was cutting her molars and also taking a cold.

Her mommy bought her a tiara to wear, but she refused.

She is blowing out the candles, she knew exactly what she was suppose to do.
She also refused to wear her tutu,so Michelle just put it across her lap. She is a very stubborn little girl.

Taking her doll pack and play, she received as a gift to another room, so her twin cousins could not play with it. She did not want them playing with any of her gifts.

The doll carriage that her Aunt Tracy gave her. She loved it.

Her little cousins wanted to check it out also.

Tracy and I got up and drove home today. We really enjoyed spending time with Carter and Karlie, just wish they hadn't been sick.

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