Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Kim was all ready to get Abby dressed in her costume last night and she had fallen asleep on the sofa. So, she let her sleep for about thirty minutes and then woke her. She was not fully awake when they started. They first went to a few houses in our neighborhood then they took her over to Aunt Tracy's neighborhood to go to a few more. She enjoyed it, and sure enjoyed the candy. Kim finally had to hide it from her.

We only had twenty trick-or-theaters. This is not a huge neighborhood. The family that lives behind us has a two year old and a baby. We have only spoken to them, but never really talked. They brought their little girl by and told us that our cat,Lulu walks with them and also scratches their door to come in their house. That was embarrassing. She is a very friendly cat.
Checking out her loot.

I am awaiting some pictures of my Kansas City grand kids in their costumes.

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