Saturday, November 26, 2011


This year was Michelle and Tad's year to go to his family in North West Missouri. So, hubby and I traveled to Arkansas to spend Thanksgiving with Kim and Family. We arrived on Tuesday and Tracy joined us on Wednesday night.

Kim did most of the cooking for our Thanksgiving Dinner. It consisted of turkey, cornbread dressing, Honey Baked ham, green bean casserole, broccoli cheese casserole, sweet potato casserole, fruit salad, rolls, two pumpkin pies and a pecan pie. It was all really good.

Abby on Thanksgiving Day, playing outside. It was a warm day, in the sixties.

On Saturday, Kim, Tracy and I took Abby to the Old Mill to take pictures for my Christmas card. After pictures, we went to Jason's Deli to eat. Abby thought she was going to get to go shopping, so she got to go to Petco and pick out a toy for Tucker.

The Old Mill is the perfect place to take pictures, but it takes at least two people to keep Abby from falling in the lake.

Not sure which one I will use for my card, but I thought all of these were cute.

Friday, November 11, 2011


Kim has someone on F/B that makes these owl hats. So, I had Kim have the lady make one for Abby and Karlie. I think they turned out cute. It was even cold enough in Arkansas for Abby to try hers out at the park. Just hope Karlie will keep hers on. Michelle took Carter and Karlie to the doctor on Wednesday and Karlie has another ear infection. The doctor said they may have to put tubes in her ears.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Tracy and I traveled to Kansas City on Friday to help Karlie celebrate her second birthday. It had a princess theme. She had fun, but she was cutting her molars and also taking a cold.

Her mommy bought her a tiara to wear, but she refused.

She is blowing out the candles, she knew exactly what she was suppose to do.
She also refused to wear her tutu,so Michelle just put it across her lap. She is a very stubborn little girl.

Taking her doll pack and play, she received as a gift to another room, so her twin cousins could not play with it. She did not want them playing with any of her gifts.

The doll carriage that her Aunt Tracy gave her. She loved it.

Her little cousins wanted to check it out also.

Tracy and I got up and drove home today. We really enjoyed spending time with Carter and Karlie, just wish they hadn't been sick.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Karlie was Pebbles for Halloween. If the costume looks familiar, it is because Abby wore it last year for Halloween. Michelle said Karlie refused to wear it at first, so she had to get the computer and show her a picture of a little girl wearing the costume. Then Karlie decided she would wear it. And she is only two. In case you don't know what Carter was dressed as, he was Dale Earnhardt Sr. The mustache and sunglasses were his idea. Pretty cute!! He is a big NASCAR fan.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Kim was all ready to get Abby dressed in her costume last night and she had fallen asleep on the sofa. So, she let her sleep for about thirty minutes and then woke her. She was not fully awake when they started. They first went to a few houses in our neighborhood then they took her over to Aunt Tracy's neighborhood to go to a few more. She enjoyed it, and sure enjoyed the candy. Kim finally had to hide it from her.

We only had twenty trick-or-theaters. This is not a huge neighborhood. The family that lives behind us has a two year old and a baby. We have only spoken to them, but never really talked. They brought their little girl by and told us that our cat,Lulu walks with them and also scratches their door to come in their house. That was embarrassing. She is a very friendly cat.
Checking out her loot.

I am awaiting some pictures of my Kansas City grand kids in their costumes.