Friday, September 2, 2011


Kim and Abby arrived yesterday afternoon. Today we all went to the outlet malls in Oklahoma City. We all took turns watching Abby in the food court while others shopped. They have a playground inside the food court so Abby could play.

Eating her big old slice of pizza in between playing.

Michelle and family arrived tonight. Abby and Karlie have gotten along pretty good and I think enjoyed playing together. Carter just sits and plays his DS. Aunt Tracy bought him a new game for it.

One thing we didn't anticipate was that they would both want the stroller. We have lots of baby dolls but only one stroller. So, it may mean a trip to Target tomorrow for another stroller. That is about the only time they haven't gotten along.

Abby loves for Karlie to chase her. We are taking them to have their portrait made tomorrow. Wish us luck.

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